March 28, 2009

Salvete, all!

The weather has finally taken a turn for the better, and the fact that I’m currently wearing flip-flops is a reassuring sign that the bitter cold of New England is slowly but surely lifting its grips on poor Mt. St. James. As I remember, right around this time of year last spring, all of my friends were frantically checking their mailboxes for those pesky college acceptance letters. However, since I had gotten into Holy Cross right before Thanksgiving of that year, I essentially was just trying to fight senioritis tooth and nail at this point (I’m thinking the senioritis won that battle). Besides my ramblings about my less-than-productive second semester senior year, I want to congratulate the newest accepted students to Holy Cross! In choosing Holy Cross, you’ll gain an enthusiastic, loving, encouraging student body to call your friends, engaged and insanely intelligent professors who actually want to get to know you, and one of the most beautiful campuses in the country. No competition, in my eyes!

As I’ve said time and time again, there are so many reasons why I chose to come to Holy Cross—mainly, the ones I listed above. The friends I have made here are a blast to be with, and most importantly, have passion and drive yet at the same time know when to just relax and lounge on Mulledy beach on a sunny Saturday. The main reason why I came to Holy Cross was for the amazing academics. As a classics major, I have access to leaders in the fields of classical archaeology, history, and ancient languages, and I make sure to pick the brains of each and every professor with whom I come into contact. And you know how I feel about the campus itself—every time I walk from Mulledy to Kimball for my shift at 7 a.m., I purposely take a route which allows me to see Fenwick with the sunrise playing around the golden crosses atop its towers.

I think that time really took on a sand-like quality this year. It feels as if the months have slipped silently through my fingers without me having noticed anything! I keep thinking that I was sitting at the Mass of the Holy Spirit on Move-In Day only a few weeks ago, or that I just took finals for fall semester. When I return from Easter Break, there are barely two weeks of classes left! I don’t want it to end!

Well, I finished a Montserrat essay early and choir is cancelled, so tonight I’ll have a nice, relaxing break after one of the busiest days I have ever had here. Great news is that tomorrow is CLASSICS DAY! Hundreds of students will be coming to compete in trivia (dubbed ‘certamen’), a costume contest, and even a chariot race. I will definitely be updating about that soon! Xairete!

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