April 20th, 2009

Salvete, omnes!

Hope everyone is doing well! The sun is shining here (well, earlier it was raining) and the temperature is comfortably in the 50s. How much of a stark contrast walking around campus is now as opposed to in January or February, when I could barely keep my eyes open against the piercing wind and negative wind chills! As spring takes hold of Worcester, I find myself taking the long way to class, or ducking along Easy Street to see the trees blooming. Anything to be outside as long as possible before the heat of summer kicks in!

This weekend was a blast in many different respects. On Friday was the induction ceremony for Eta Sigma Phi, the Classics Honor Society. I am officially a part of this crazy club, also known as the “glorified pizza party,” or “secret sorority,” as my friends like to call it—the name does sound like some frat or sorority (but we don’t even have Greek life here on campus, because we’re a Jesuit college). Friday night Simone, Lauren and I dressed up for Mulledy Prom, which the RAs put on for our building. I, thankfully, fit into my dress from senior prom and rocked that for the night. Our hall turned into a quasi-pageant or catwalk of some sort, because we all just ended up showing off our dresses (Simone’s in particular worked very well for this). Saturday night turned into a Disney movie marathon with Ashley and my fellow blogger and Kimball captain Colleen—we snuggled in her RA room in Wheeler and had a fantastic time. Some of our other friends and Ashley’s residents slowly added to our little group, and before we knew it, we were packed into her common room and screaming “Be Our Guest” at the top of our lungs. What a great release after a long week!

Sunday, yesterday, was another crazy day for me. I’m thinking of becoming a vegetarian, so my RA MK and I had a long talk about what it’s like to be one, since she has been veg for years. We sat outside of Hogan and watched all of the accepted students wandering around campus, which made me reminisce fondly of the days last spring when I relished the thought of coming to Holy Cross. Of course, I had already known I was coming here in November, but seeing the excitement on the members of the Class of 2013’s faces was priceless. I also helped answer questions at the Classics information session, which emphasized just how much of a family this department is. Professors Nagy and Perry both stated many times that this department has something special about it—it’s top ranked, but even more important than this, it affords us students the opportunity to make lasting bonds with each other and with our professors. The information session proved to me that I wouldn’t want to study Classics anywhere else.

This week is the last full week of classes, and I’m trying not to think about that. I absolutely do not want my freshman year of college to end! I’ll pretty much be living at Kimball for the week, because I have both my regular shifts and a couple training sessions thrown in there as well. All in the name of becoming a good captain! Well, I must get back to my Montserrat final essay outline—I have office hours at 2 and I want to have my ideas in order. Xairete!

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